A Digital Agency for the Sporting, Outdoor and Aficionado Markets
@ebc Inc Market - The Outdoors
@ebc fully supports the The Outdoors, which we classify as the Sporting, Fishing, Outdoor, Boating and Camping markets. Sporting Goods products can fit into this category as well. @ebc has an advantage marketing to these through our interests, hobbies and support because of the negativity that has been placed upon these markets. So go get the gear you need for your Outdoor sport, @ebc will drive the web ecommerce stores, design their brand and help to promote their business and get it in front of consumers.
Some of the markets within The Outdoors.....
Bird Dogs and Sporting Dogs
Bird Dogs and Sporting gear is a very large market segment within the Outdoors. @ebc has supported businesses with game farms and preserves that utilize bird dogs. Several other businesses and associations fall under this category such as Game Preserves, DNR information, Sporting, and other related retail sporting gear can all be supported through @ebc.
The Archery Industry is trending upward, and @ebc has special interest in marketing Archery related products, services, and outfitters that cater to Archers. Hobby and traditionalists are supported through extensive knowledge and support through @ebc employees and their affiliates, so you know you'll have a passionate employee working to make your Archery-related business succeed.
@ebc supports this market so well that we have created a separate website dedicated to sporting, fishing and the outdoors called, The International Outpost. Please visit this page for more information.
Visit our clients:
Coming Soon...
Our Targeted Mid-Market Clients
@ebc has grown to support Mid-Market companies, and along the way grew to provide support for businesses that may have been rejected for design, development and marketing service requests based off the products and services they sell. @ebc has direct experience and motivation to support those companies, and not cast any judgment. @ebc will support any business based off ethical and legal practices, as well as the targeted markets we list below.
Our targeted Markets:
Visit each page for more information.
At ebc Inc. has the services to manage all of your Creative, and Marketing. This is to ensure that our customers can optimize our Biz Dexx web applications, and still manage their Web Design, Development and Marketing needs.
So all of your services are under one roof, more specialized and creative!
We look forward to become the "one source" for all of your online development, creative, advertising and marketing needs. Visit our marketing services for more information.
A Creative Media Catalyst Company
Our Digital Media Agency Partner, Video Production - Concannon Communications